BNSF 3858 passes me by as she heads down the main so the conductor can throw the switch to let BNSF 3857 onto the main to hook to BNSF 3858.         
Date: 9/29/2015 Location: Fort Worth, TX   Map Show Fort Worth on a rail map Views: 254 Collection Of:   PAUL KEOGH
BNSF 3858 passes me by as she heads down the main so the conductor can throw the switch to let BNSF 3857 onto the main to hook to BNSF 3858.
Picture Categories: This picture is part of album:  3 Great Days of Brand New ET44C4's Tier 4's at GE Fort Worth Locomotive Plant
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Mike Maskel General GREAT SHOT 10/6/2015 12:01:35 PM

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